Saturday, December 13, 2008

One Lazy Saturday Afternoon

I am enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon, where tomorrow is a Sunday and no work to be done. Sigh! Such bliss! :p The best time of the week. Sunday would never be as enjoyable as a Saturday afternoon. Now, what do i want to do? Hmmm..... basically nothing. Hah!

Last week was an ON and OFF week. Monday was a public holiday, then you go back to work for another 2 days, then Thursday is another public holiday then you have to go back to work on Friday. Which kind of doesn't make me enjoy the holidays as much. It's like you start the engine and go into WORK mode, halfway there is a HOLIDAY mode, then WORK mode, then HOLIDAY mode and WORK mode again. Truthfully, i didn't get much work done. Physics taught me about inertia. It applies to moods as well. :p It takes time to get into the mood to work and to maintain it there for the whole week. No breaks allowed. Then only you get to enjoy the weekend even more.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barking Mad

Occasionally when working in the office, there are some really amusing things that happens. Recently someone in the office apparently quite unhappy with the cleanliness of other colleagues, sent out an email to everyone about keeping the work area clean and picking up after themselves. Someone cc'ed the boss as well. o.0 This sparked off a sort of email war among everyone.

I kept quiet of course. This email was indirectly started by my unassuming "Smoking is bad for health and don't smoke in the office" mail with a nice little PSA attached for effect. :p (but that's beside the point )

Anyways, my colleagues are all very verbal about the email and some amusing remarks were made. Which includes 3 year olds, old enough to marry someone's mother and sharing graves together. ^^;;;;

We all work together, respecting each other's space is really important especially in a cramped working environment, where sometimes, some of us don't even have our own personal work area. I believe in being polite and nice to each other. I also believe that if you want something, you've got to look at the other person eye to eye and ask.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Fifth Cardinal Virtue: Justice

At the tea ceremony: We see evil in others because we know evil through our own behavior. We never pardon those who wound us because we feel that we would never be pardoned. We tell others the painful truth because we want to hide it from ourselves. We take refuge in pride so that no-one can see how fragile we are. That is why, whenever you are judging your brother, bear in mind that it is you who are on trial. (Okakura Kakuso, The Book of Tea, 1904)

Source from: Warrior of The Light Website

Monday, October 13, 2008

Heightened sense of smell......

I have a heightened sense of smell now. Every smell seems to be intensified. I smell practically everything, which makes me feel nauseaus very often, 'coz everything is not all too nice. When the wind blows a cooling breeze, i smell garbage from the next door landfill. Bluerghhh! Not nice. Daddy smoking outdoors in the garden, i smell the smoke inside the house. Not nice.

I wonder if this intense sense of smell is a natural survival instinct for mothers to be. A warning for them to avoid certain food or some dangerous situation. I used to not twice about putting food into my mouth, now i am very careful, if i'm not, one whiff, would certainly have put me off.

I guess, i am in a better condition than most. At least, it's still bearable and i avoid all things that makes me sick. Sour stuffs definitely works for me, but i avoid asam and all preserved stuffs as best i can. Sour apples are nice. :")

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The fourth cardinal virtue: Wisdom

Before Alexander: The Greek philosopher Anaximenes (400 A.C.) approached Alexander the Great to try to save his city.

“I received you because I know that you are a wise man. But you have my word as king that I shall never accept what you have come to ask me,” said the powerful warrior to his generals.

“I just came to ask you to destroy my city,” replied Anaximenes. And in this way the city was saved.

From: Warrior of The Light website

Friday, September 26, 2008

To Learn, You'll have to Teach

I just finished a book called "The Witch of Portobello" by Paulo Coelho. The one thing that struck me the most is the idea that in order to learn, you'll have to teach something that you are not familiar with.

Gonk was doing a tutorial and commenting that he has to learn the tutorials first before he could go into his class because he did not know anything about it. In the end he realised it was not that difficult to begin with. He commented that if he knew what he knows now, uni would have been a breeze.

How true it is that in order to truly learn you really have to teach something that you do not know.