Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barking Mad

Occasionally when working in the office, there are some really amusing things that happens. Recently someone in the office apparently quite unhappy with the cleanliness of other colleagues, sent out an email to everyone about keeping the work area clean and picking up after themselves. Someone cc'ed the boss as well. o.0 This sparked off a sort of email war among everyone.

I kept quiet of course. This email was indirectly started by my unassuming "Smoking is bad for health and don't smoke in the office" mail with a nice little PSA attached for effect. :p (but that's beside the point )

Anyways, my colleagues are all very verbal about the email and some amusing remarks were made. Which includes 3 year olds, old enough to marry someone's mother and sharing graves together. ^^;;;;

We all work together, respecting each other's space is really important especially in a cramped working environment, where sometimes, some of us don't even have our own personal work area. I believe in being polite and nice to each other. I also believe that if you want something, you've got to look at the other person eye to eye and ask.