Thursday, May 14, 2009

Remembering May 13

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia academician Professor Kamaruddin M. Said remembers May 13 well: "That day was just like any other day for me. I was a Form Four student then, studying in Alam Shah High School in Cheras.

"I was there when the now infamous election celebration parade passed me by.

"Not knowing much about politics then, I thought the parade was lively and added much excitement to an otherwise normal day.

"It wasn't until years later that I found out about the bloody result of that parade.

"The next day in school, all the older boys, including myself, were asked to go donate blood at the General Hospital. We were just told a great tragedy had happened, so we gave our blood.

"Thinking back now, my blood probably ended up saving a life that day.

"Chinese or Malay, it didn't matter because we all bleed the same."

Source: We all bleed the same by David Yeow (NST)

Which party started it don't matter. Who is to blame don't matter. What were the motives don't matter. Details don't matter when lives are lost. What matters most is that we are the same. We love our country and the friends we grew up with, no matter the colour. We should protect that love.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Audrey's Beating Heart

Went for my weekly checkup today. This time got 
permission from doctor to take a video of baby Audrey. :) 
Her heart is beating strong and chest is moving. 
Practising how to breathe, says Doctor, and it's a good 
sign. Due anytime soon now, so Doctor says to be
prepared. There's 3 signs to look out for:- 
1) If the water breaks, go immediately to Hospital 
2) If there is bloody discharge 
3) Consistent pain, intervals of 10 mins apart

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby Audrey's First Scan

This is Audrey's first ultrasound scan picture. It was taken on 14th October 2008. when she was about 6 weeks. You cannot see anything resembling a baby yet. Just a sac measuring about 9.7mm.

Doctors usually measure from the date of the last menstruation period as the beginning of the pregnancy, so baby will be born on Week 40. That's like 10 months. It sounds like a long time but how time flies. I am already hitting Week 37 now. Just another 3 more weeks or so. Depending on baby's schedule. :) Hard to say.

Doctor explained that baby could be due anytime between 2 weeks before or latest 5 days after due date. I am very conscious of any movements or pain in my belly now, just trying to figure out if it really is time yet. I am worried that I won't know if it's time yet but that seems like a stupid thing to worry about. I guess I'll know when I know.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Best Valentine's Day Gift Ever

This is the sweetest and best gift from my ex-bf. Heheheheh! It was sent to the office on Valentine's Day of 2007. I was so surprised when I received the parcel. He was outstation in Kuantan and was not around during V-day. Sometimes he surprises me with such sweet and thoughtful gestures. It's the simple things that touches me. No need expensive gifts or elaborate night out. Just a simple handmade card and sincere wishes would do. Certainly helps if you are creative to boot. :p It certainly made my gal colleagues green with envy. Hahahaah!

It's a pop-up card with a cake and also the Sweetest Paper Art work. Muax! Thank you Ele!
Love you lots.

The measure of love by Paulo Coelho

“I have always wanted to know if I was able to love like you do,” said the disciple of a Hindu master.

“There is nothing beyond love,” answered the master. “It’s love that keeps the world going round and the stars hanging in the sky.”

“I know all that. But how can I know if my love is great enough?”

“Try to find out if you abandon yourself to love or if you flee from your emotions. But don’t ask questions like that because love is neither great nor small. You can’t measure a feeling like you measure a road: if you act like that you will see only your reflection, like the moon in a lake, but you won’t be following your path.”

Friday, May 1, 2009

Preparing for the Arrival

Hello! I am busy getting ready for the big DELIVERY date. I am still clearing up space for the new baby. Cleaning and clearing the room. :p It's a bit late for spring cleaning though.

As for buy buying baby stuffs, my dad says to get it after i have delivered safely. He says it's old superstition but just follow anyway. Err... while i don't totally agree but still, best not to go against your elders. Shhh! I still did went and buy some necessities for baby but have to hide it. :p I cannot totally rely on my 2 lovely men to do the shopping all by themselves. Heheheh! Hubby and I did do a lot of window shopping for the stuffs that baby needs, so he basically knows what is needed. Have to do a checklist for him, coz i will be confined for 1 whole month. Cannot go out. o.0 Don't know how i will survive that AND the big D day.

If any of my lovely friends are thinking of buying gifts for baby, here's a list:

· Crib Sheet for a 26X38 Playpen Mattress (For Ref, click me!)
· lightweight blankets
· baby pillow & bolster
. Baby swaddle blanket (For Ref, click me!)
. Baby bath tub
. Baby clothes, socks, mittens are welcomed too! :)
. Baby Carrier